Middle Age
The age of maturity of mankind is represented by the figure of Jesus.
Jesus had succeeded in the mission with which he had been invested, which consisted of demonstrating that henceforth the word of the Creator is no longer addressed to a specific people, that of the Sons of Israel, but to all humans. There is no doubt that it is at maturity that man becomes truly capable, thanks to his knowledge, his experience and his elevation, of guiding his fellows. The verb then becomes preeminent.
It must also be said that Jesus knew the Sons of Israel very well since he was a member of them. Jesus Received New Guidance From His Creator This is the book of the Gospel. The term meaning the good news.
However, the circle of companions who surrounded him, called the apostles, was small, which is why he explicitly announced the arrival of the character Ahmed better known as Muhammad or Muhammad.
The stage of Jesus is of capital importance because it is at the origin of the splitting of the history of mankind into two great periods, the one which preceded it, it was characterized by the preeminence of matter. For that it suffices to recall that his ancestor the king and prophet Solomon built a palace which by its magnificence had dazzled the Queen of Sheba.
The one who succeeded him and which will be marked by the predominance of the spirit. Jesus was conceived in his mother’s womb thanks to a word coming directly from his Creator which was: Be and he was. He announced from his cradle that he was the servant of his Creator who had blessed him wherever he was.
Jesus was illustrated by his creator by forming clay into a bird figure after which he blew and it was a living bird. He had healed the blind man and the leper. He had given life to the dead and informed his people of what they ate and what they gathered in their dwellings.
This division of the history of mankind has the advantage that it takes into consideration the constitution of man, namely matter and spirit.